One of of My Favorite Things



“Whiskers on kittens…” I wish one of my favorite things was as whimsical as the adorable objects Julie Andrews sang about in “The Sound of Music.”

Let me explain.  One day, I was getting a purse out for a special occasion. When I opened the clutch to place the required comb and lip gloss inside, I found a crumpled cocktail napkin.  It was decorated with flowers and curlicues. It was pretty—and unused. One of my favorite things.

I like to keep what I consider to be fancy napkins. Any napkin available at a gathering that isn’t plain white and one ply, I consider to be too elegant for its defined use.

It’s too pretty to use, I think. I should keep this and use it for…I should just keep it.

I then stick the napkin in my purse (or sometimes in my pocket) and find something else to use to dab my mouth. I’ve even resorted to using a surreptitiously nabbed paper towel instead of a napkin emblazoned with Happy Birthday. Or, if no plebian napkin substitute is available, I take a second (again, sometimes by stealth) “fancy” napkin to keep.

I’m not sure why I do this. We used napkins at home when I was a kid. And on holidays, my Mom had cloth napkins!

Sometime later when I discover the napkin I’ve nabbed, I think that maybe I should collect all of the pretty napkins I get and then make a collage out of them. Imagine a lovely floral arrangement of embellished and Happy Birthday napkins framed and hung—well, I’m not sure where.

This is when reality sets in. The napkin sits in my hand in its pristine glory.  I study it for a while, and try to recall the party or event where I got it. Occasionally, I use it to blot lipstick or wipe up a spill, telling myself that at least I didn’t waste the napkin. Finally, I ball it up and toss it out.

I think the next time I’ll just use the napkin, and admire the pretty flowers, patterns and embellishments and thank  my hostess for all the effort she has gone to.

Or maybe, I could collect the napkins and make them into one-of –a –kind book marks that I could sell at Craft Fairs…


About Kathy

I grew up in Buffalo,New York the second eldest child in a family that eventually included eight children. The neighborhood was an Irish-American enclave. These two facts explain a great deal about me. I spent many years as a teacher who really thought of herself as a writer.

6 Responses to One of of My Favorite Things

  1. Bonnie Byrne says:

    Fun and cute! I felt that way about the pretty seashell notecard that you made and sent to me. Way to precious to throw out! If only I could reuse it??????

  2. Dee Lore says:

    I can relate . . . I will buy cutsie napkins some times and then don’t want to put them out for use because I don’t want them used . . . Go Figure!

  3. I think deep down we all have a little (or a lot) of hoarding instincts. If we call it collecting or repurposing, it makes us feel better.

    I know I have some pretty souvenir napkins saved from special family events. Hadn’t thought of your solutions. Fun ideas.

  4. JJ says:

    I think we all have some sort of quirky economy. My husband, who was not cheap by any stretch of the imagination, actually used his dental floss two nights in a row. He would stash the used piece in his bedside drawer, to which it would impart a peculiar funk that apparently bothered only me. I thought it was so gross, but he steadfastly defended the practice as a sensible economy.

  5. Barbara Herman says:

    I hope you were talking about taking PAPER napkins. If your kleptomania includes clothe napkins, then I’ll have my eyes on you when I invite you for lunch, tea, or dinner. 😉

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