
When I retired, I was afraid of being bored. After all, I worked a full-time job for over 30 years, served on committees, raised a daughter and had a full social life and family life.

 So, I filled my  retirement with interesting activities. I assumed the presidency of the Book Circle, (a club with almost 200 members) which is an umbrella organization for about 20 individual book clubs. I continued to serve as the Program Chairperson for the Travel Club which means that I am responsible for programs every month for a club that has a huge (about 700 people) membership. In addition, I accepted the responsibility of being secretary for two other clubs. I write two newsletters, numerous newsletter articles, attend board meetings and go to events these clubs sponsor. I also plan at least three events a year—some of which are open to the entire Solivita community, which numbers about 3000 people.

I escorted two cruises— and I have a third one coming up, which has almost 100 people on it.

Oh yeah, I am in a writing group which meets frequently. I wrote a novel which is about to be published. And as you already know, I write a blog.

I helped my husband through his cancer battle and had a serious emergency operation myself two years ago.

And, yes, I travel a little.

Okay, so what’s the point of all this?

It’s true confession time—I am over-extended. I finally have come to my senses and realized that I am trying to do too much.

What was my epiphany, you ask? I think it was realizing that my hobbies had become a job. I constantly have phone calls to make, emails to answer and send, meetings to go to…just like a job.

Except when you have a job, you get a paycheck. Needless to say, like all other volunteers, I do this with no paycheck—in other words, I work for free.

I am trying to downsize. I am actively looking for my replacement for several of my “jobs.” Lucky for me, one club has a very competent president–elect, I have an eager co-chair for another job. Now I am evaluating what I will continue to do in the future.

The one sacred thing is writing—my writing group, my novels, stories and blog posts are the activities I cherish.

I am seriously considering being a “lady who lunches,” working on my tan, and (finally) catching up on my reading—at least for a year.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll love it. And if I don’t?  

Well, clubs are always looking for volunteers.




About Kathy

I grew up in Buffalo,New York the second eldest child in a family that eventually included eight children. The neighborhood was an Irish-American enclave. These two facts explain a great deal about me. I spent many years as a teacher who really thought of herself as a writer.

14 Responses to Downsizing

  1. I can totally relate to your need-to-be-needed. Making yourself essential and being type A, made you a great employee over the years. Stopping that behavior is not as easy. Try telling yourself that you are giving other people a chance to spread their wings and achieve may help you let go of these jobs.

    I was just reading a great blog post by Unclutterer where she advises clearing out activities, people and things that are keeping you from the activities that you value most. We want to do it all, but need to let go of some things so we can really put our all into important things.

  2. Barb says:

    I think you’ll be a lot happier without all the time restraints. Sometimes we take on too much and have to cut back. This is the time in your life to enjoy .


  3. Linda Young says:

    Here is where we definitely differ, Kathie. I had no trouble giving up all activities that require “work”. Just recently joining some organizations is making me think if they are worth the effort. That is me and I am grateful that the world has people like you to keep making things happen. Choose the best and enjoy some leisure you deserve it.

  4. Joy says:

    I should give you my coffee mug (given to me by a Solivita friend) which reads “note to self: quit volunteering for stuff”

    We have appreciated and enjoyed your bookcircle efforts.

  5. Donna says:

    Retired? You are a very busy lady. I am looking forward to your third cruise. I hope you can downsize your work load.

  6. chris says:

    Finally divesting?????????

  7. Jane says:

    Did you say lunch?

  8. Sandi says:

    Now I know why we never see you!

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