Facebook and Me

Facebook conjures up a lot of images in many people’s minds¾everything from a place where unsuspecting young people sabotage their careers by posting  pictures of a big night partying or a vehicle for cyber bulling , or where those who lack discipline fritter away hours playing games like Farmville.
Personally, I never thought that I would subscribe to Facebook¾after all, I didn’t need it. I never had a My Space account. I had no desire to check on what my students were saying about me-¾or about each other. And I believed all the hype about the dangers of My Space and its successor, Facebook.
Until an 80+ year old friend relocated to Long Island. The first  email I received from her informed me that she had posted  pictures of her new apartment on Facebook.
So, I ended up with a Facebook account. And now I am hooked.
I love Facebook because my family, like so many others, is scattered all over the United States: a sister, my daughter and cousins  live in California, a brother in New Jersey, another one in Poughkeepsie, another one  spends time in both Chicago and Buffalo and another sister and brother  are in Buffalo, and another  sister is in Tampa.  In addition, there are many nieces and nephews who are all over¾including one traveling in Viet Nam.
Many of my family members are on Facebook. It is such fun to see their photos and read their posts!
I feel like I am really connected to them in a very authentic way. Our Facebook relationships are much more natural than a phone call or email. Pictures, jokes, serious posts, poems, music videos, reminders of special events and even invitations and expressions of love and admiration have been posted on Facebook. We have posted tributes to our late parents and shared cherished memories of them on FB. And we can banter back and forth¾which is a lot of fun.
My nephew posts pictures and videos of his adorable baby¾and even though I haven’t  met the baby yet , I delight in his sweet smile and charming antics¾thanks to Facebook.
Several friends are on FB as well. Even though I don’t have opportunities to see them often, we still keep in touch. We have even planned lunch dates on FB.
Back in the  1980’s, we hosted a girl from Northern Ireland  in a program that was designed to give children who had known only conflict and war a respite. This girl is now grown and she, too, is on Facebook. I have seen photos of her kids and husband¾across the sea from Northern Ireland.
An unexpected benefit of being on Facebook was the opportunity to reconnect with several cousins.
We were a close family growing up, but distance and the busyness of life came between us. Facebook has brought us back together through photos, posts and messages. One cousin was even inspired to plan a reunion as a result of being back in touch!
We have become a family again, thanks to Facebook.
As you can see, I am a fan of Facebook. Needless to say, you have to use common sense on any social networking website. Facebook is by no exception. It is by no means perfect.
But being on Facebook had enhanced my life in ways I could never have imagined when I first created an account to see my friend’s pictures three years ago. To me, the payoff has been worth it.
As they used to tell Mikey on the TV commercials years ago…“Try it¾you’ll like it!”

About Kathy

I grew up in Buffalo,New York the second eldest child in a family that eventually included eight children. The neighborhood was an Irish-American enclave. These two facts explain a great deal about me. I spent many years as a teacher who really thought of herself as a writer.

11 Responses to Facebook and Me

  1. Many of my friends resist Facebook as they get scared by stories of privacy issues. It is a marvelous way to reconnect with old friends and you’ve said it well in this essay. I wish I’d written it.

  2. Marilyn Briant-Rockmore says:

    I agree Kathy – I resisted too for a long time. Now I have renewed friendships with people I haven’t seen in many years, plus keep up with what my son and grandchildren are doing. It’s great with my book too – helps me update everyone on the latest news with The Leopard and The Mouse!

  3. Connie says:

    Great piece. I totally agree.

  4. Eileen says:

    Nice article,says it all about Facebook. As you know, I am having fun with Facebook as I share daily comments about our current trip, sort of like having friends travel with me. It gives me joy to anticipate reactions/comments to my postings. Such fun!

  5. Sandi says:

    Don’t begin to use Facebook like you do, but I love it. Great to read about seeing the pictures of Nicola (right) and family – do you remember our Cedar Point trip with her? Great fun for all!

    • Kathy says:

      Thanks for jogging my memory about the trip to Cedar Point. Remember how she got Freddie and herself thrown off a ride?
      She has 5 kids now!!

  6. Donna says:

    I enjoy Facebook for the same reasons. I have family located across the U.S.

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