Living the Disorganized Life


I am disorganized. There, I said it. Whew! What a weight off my shoulders.

I’ve spent the better part of the last five decades promising myself that I’ll get organized–only to break that promise thousands of times.

I admire organized people: the ones who always know where stuff is, who clean their files out every year, whose desks are cleared every day. I want to be one of them, to join their club.

I don’t know what it is about me. I set up systems and within days, I’m back to my disorganized ways.

Now, it’s  not that I can’t find thing—often I can—especially when I stack them in the same place each time. chaos pixababyBut too often, I have to tear my files, (such as they are) apart, to locate some important piece of paper.

My late husband was the direct opposite. He filed everything, labeled it, and once a year cleaned out his files. After he passed away, I was so grateful for his organization because it made everything easier for me. Now I worry that when it’s my turn to ascend to the pearly gates, my daughter will go insane trying to find stuff.

So, I think I better try to at least find the urgent stuff, re-file it, and resolve to keep it where it can be found easily.

At least that’s my intention.

Now, where is that list of blog ideas?



Picture courtesy of Pixabay


About Kathy

I grew up in Buffalo,New York the second eldest child in a family that eventually included eight children. The neighborhood was an Irish-American enclave. These two facts explain a great deal about me. I spent many years as a teacher who really thought of herself as a writer.

6 Responses to Living the Disorganized Life

  1. Sharon Gauert says:

    Honest, Kathy, I some times think it is a gene you are born with. I alphabetized my books and kept my dolls in order by height. It can be a curse to be organized at times!

  2. Barbara Herman says:

    Kathy, like you, we have 50 years of STUFF. The Navy moved us for 26 years, so we even took our sled to Hawaii! We knew we’d probably need it at our next duty station. So is it with so many other treasured items, memorabilia of places we’ve lived or visited. But you’re right. The odd papers, recipes, things that I thought I NEEDED seem to fill our house and lives. The knick-knacks, collections of my/our Precious Moments, angels, books, dolphins, lighthouses, and decorations for every season are starting to suffocate us. Maybe we can change places Kathy….you can organize my house and I’ll do your house. But stuff from Europe, Pakistan, China, Hong Kong, England, are hard to part with. Yikes, I’m looking at the stacks of CD’s that are on this desk and think of the many music tapes, CD’s, movie DVD’s, etc.!!! Oh Lord help us.
    Thanks for sharing Kathy. Maybe I’ll tear myself away from the computer and do some constructive cleaning….ya think?

  3. Nancy Licato says:

    Kathy, are you writing about me? It feels like it! I have shopping bags of different organizers, sliding drawers, etc. But the stuff just piles on top of my file cabinet, on top of my desk, and in boxes — all just waiting to be organized! How many years will it wait?

  4. I have a book (somewhere) that you might want to read about the right brain/left brain and organizing. You and I have that all-out style of organizing where we like to see all our work out in the open. We juggle lots of projects and interests. Yes, now and then, it all comes tumbling down and we pick up the balls and start juggling again.

  5. Organization:
    #1 put the dog in an empty bedroom
    #2 throw everything in there you would grab if you heard the fire alarm
    #3 throw everything else out in the isle park in front of your house.
    #4 pile on some wood, set up some chairs, call your friends, lay out the Hershey bars, ginger crackers and monster marshmellows
    # set the bonfire and celebrate with s’mores cuz you’ve just captured the key to organization…..less is s’mores!
    (Whoops you forgot the burn permit. Too late next time. “Here officer. I’m orgainzing my house, not against the law. Would you like another s’mores to go with that cute smile on your face”

    Kathy! I’m so proud of you. You’ve organized and even gained a new forever friend. Lol

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