Is Nothing Sacred?



In the last two years, my life has been turned upside down by the death of my husband and then my brother.

These deaths affected everyone in my family—including my brothers and sisters.

Shortly after my brother passed away, one of my other brothers was “zinged” (his word) by a Face Book “friend” over the death of our brother.

Which leads to the question, is nothing sacred?

My first reaction to my brother’s posts about forgiveness and kindness were to want to beat this woman up—and I am a pacifist. I was utterly astounded that anyone could be that insensitive. Making a joke about our beloved brother’s death was beyond comprehension.

But, is that what’s happening? Is nothing sacred?

I wonder. Religion is fair game and tradition is fair game. Does this lead to less civility?

I’m not sure. I do know this.

Some things are sacred.

Death. The loss of a loved one is a heart-wrenching experience. Memories are all that’s left. And the ones left behind are alone, lonely, and sometimes frightened. They need kindness, understanding and solace, not a lame joke about death.

Religion. A person’s religious beliefs should be sacred, no matter your own feelings about religion. I casually mentioned that I pray every day when I was out with friends a while ago. While they were respectful, they were incredulous. The idea of a mature adult praying struck them as somewhat odd.

Confidences. The secrets people share shouldn’t be fodder for gossip. I once knew someone who would worm her way into someone’s life, become that person’s confidant. and then regale everyone with the secrets her victim had shared. I admit that this is an extreme example, but gossiping is just as devastating—just on a smaller scale.

Being kind and caring in an increasing cynical and angry society isn’t easy. Personally, I’d rather be the exception than find myself mired in the muck of cruelty and insensitivity.



About Kathy

I grew up in Buffalo,New York the second eldest child in a family that eventually included eight children. The neighborhood was an Irish-American enclave. These two facts explain a great deal about me. I spent many years as a teacher who really thought of herself as a writer.

5 Responses to Is Nothing Sacred?

  1. Sharon Gauert says:

    I am beginning to believe that nothing is sacred any more. Ken was reading about a new movie that has graphic nudity, torture and murder — opens on April 1. Why? Who should be watching this? We seem to have thrown out those unwritten boundaries about human behavior just as we have the family foundation where Mom raised kids and Dad worked. Very scary!

  2. BarbaraPowell says:

    I am sorry for your losses. And, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. There are a lot of angry rude people out there and Facebook is perfect for spewing their venom. My mom used to say rise above it – don’t let them bring you down to their level.

  3. Bonnie Byrne says:

    Kathy, fortunately these insensitive people are very few and we can remove them from our lives when betrayal is discovered. Focus on all the great and caring friends and be happy and peaceful knowing that you are one of those to all of us!

  4. Dear Kathy,
    I agree with you and Bonnie Byrne.
    There are many decent and caring people out there, so forget about the insensitive ones.
    Just look around Solivita for uplifting examples. Play some inspiring music, Think about the “Good Guys” and remember we love and appreciate you.
    Bobbi and Al Mastrangelo

  5. Betty Davidson says:

    It’s hard to believe there are such insensitive people and they don’t seem to hold back or be embarrassed with their comments. I have NEVER been on facebook or any other sites like that and don’t intend to do it in the future because there are too many gossips who like to stir the pot.

    Enough about the negative. Just keep to the positive and know that’s where the uplifting comes for us in our lives.

    Thanks for your sharing. Although I don’t always respond, I read your blogs.


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