Hopes and Dreams


It’s been almost a year since my novel, Loving Christy was published. I worked night and day to make it a wonderfully readable novel—one that I hoped would fly off the shelves, and would be downloaded onto hundreds of Kindles and Nooks.

Lately, reality has set in. Loving Christy sits on Amazon.com, gathering dust, waiting for someone to take a chance on it. I have been able to promote the book, one at a time to people I know, and I have placed it in a few bookstores.

I’ve even received royalty checks—and was able to pay CASH for a Denny’s Grand Slam breakfast!

Promoting a novel is hard work and it takes hundreds of hours, a lot of energy—and it helps to have connections.  I’ve had some success with my novel in my community and have received great feedback from people who have read it. Several book clubs have invited me to attend as a guest author. What a fantastic experience it is to meet with readers of my work.

All of that is rewarding.

Knowing that my target audience is enthused by Loving Christy is (to me) success.  Now I am at a crossroads. I need to get people excited about my book again.

So here’s the deal. If you’ve read Loving Christy, I am asking you to write a review—it can be just a few sentences—and post it on Amazon. I know that many of you have already—my humble and grateful thanks.

My hopes and dreams are centered on my writing. Writing is what makes me feel most alive. It is my gift, and I’ve spent years nurturing it.

And now, I hope that you, too, will appreciate my gift.




About Kathy

I grew up in Buffalo,New York the second eldest child in a family that eventually included eight children. The neighborhood was an Irish-American enclave. These two facts explain a great deal about me. I spent many years as a teacher who really thought of herself as a writer.

2 Responses to Hopes and Dreams

  1. L. C. Hayden says:

    I’ve always believed that promotion is the hardest part of writing. Don’t get discouraged, keep plugging, and sometime you’ll get “there.” I love your book and your writing and I’m happy to review it on Amazon.

  2. Kathy,
    Promotion is the hardest part of all the arts.
    I believe I already posted a comment on Amazon.

    I also think that beginning your next novel will energize you and give you more insights as to the promotion of Loving Christy.

    Loving Kathy,
    from Bobbi and Solivita Friends

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