Drum Roll, Please



I’m back! And I have an exciting announcement—my third book, Widow’s Weeds—The Note is going “live” on Amazon.com. The print version is available right now, and the Kindle version should be up in the next day or two.

This book is the first in a trilogy about widowhood. I know there are books about loss and grieving—some are serious books that help the reader to cope with loss, while others are fiction. I’ve read two books about widowhood—one that had a wry humor to it ( Good Grief) and another by Elizabeth Berg (The Year of Pleasure) that glossed over many of the roiling emotions I felt trying to cope with my loss. After reading both of these books, I came to realize that the death of a spouse is heartbreaking and life-changing and can only truly be understood by experiencing it.cover for Widow's Weeds

I wrote this story in part  to share my personal experience and to help me to make sense of the last five years since my husband Dan died.  I found this book liberating to write.

I added a twist to the story. In Widow’s Weeds—The Note, Lori, the protagonist, finds a mysterious note that makes her question her relationship with her husband. So while Lori reflects the emotions my many widow friends and I felt, it isn’t completely autobiographical.

The next two installments will explore Lori’s journey as she finds her way to healing and acceptance.


You can easily find the book on Amazon.com by typing my name into the search box: Kathy Joyce Glascott. I hope you’ll download Widow’s Weeds—or even buy the print copy.




About Kathy

I grew up in Buffalo,New York the second eldest child in a family that eventually included eight children. The neighborhood was an Irish-American enclave. These two facts explain a great deal about me. I spent many years as a teacher who really thought of herself as a writer.

One Response to Drum Roll, Please

  1. Congratulations, Kathy. It’s always a good feeling to complete another goal. I have been absent from my Blog, too, but I did write the first chapter today of the sequel/prequel to my novel. Hope I can keep going. I can certainly understand how writing your book was therapeutic for you. I hope it also helped to further your healing. Good luck with the release of your book.

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